Welcome to Guilford County Cooperative Extension School Garden Network team blog! We hope this can be a space for everyone involved in school gardening in Guilford County to share their experiences. Lets let each other know about what works, and troubleshoot what doesn't!

Monday, November 21, 2016

GCS High School Service-Learning Ambassador Training was held Saturday November 19th at Dudley High School

What a wonderful opportunity for groups like ours to network with junior and senior GCS High School students interested in service-learning! As Service Learning Ambassadors they will take the information back to share with their fellow students. We got to talk to 150 students as they rotated to our tables over a three hour period.
See below a list of High Schools whose representatives signed up with interest in doing service learning with our k-8 school gardens. We can send you contact info if you are interested in working with students from one of these schools.

Northwest HS   Northern Guilford HS       
STEM Early College@ NCA&T
Ragsdale HS             Dudley HS                 
Early College@Guilford College
Page HS                    Andrews HS                
Middle College@Bennett
Eastern Guilford HS  EMC@GTCC               
Middle College@UNCG  The Academy@Smith

**A special thank you to Yvonne Eason Coordinator, Character Development & Service-Learning and her team for sponsoring this GCS event!