Welcome to Guilford County Cooperative Extension School Garden Network team blog! We hope this can be a space for everyone involved in school gardening in Guilford County to share their experiences. Lets let each other know about what works, and troubleshoot what doesn't!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Garden based learning is alive and well with Kindergarteners at Irving Park!

Teacher Marieke Maccione and her UNCG Service Learning student Sonny Yang led a lesson with kindergarteners about soil and life cycles in their garden right outside their classroom door. Caterpillars forming chrysalis, sweet potato plants maturing, planting young seedlings all going on.

Students dug soil samples, put them in zip lock bags and took them
back into the classroom.

Magnifying glasses were handed out for up close observations. Students made drawings and wrote descriptions in their science journals.

Every Monday Mrs. Maccione conducts garden based hands-on lessons with her students. The students love it and share with each other and their teacher and their Service Learning buddy what they discover!

Friday, September 18, 2015

McLeansville Garden enjoys the last of summer weather!

Exciting day in the garden today! We harvested our watermelon and ate it garden side. 

It was really sweet and juicy. 

The kids loved it. We also found lots of black swallowtail caterpillars in their 4th instar, and 1 was forming a chrysalis, in our dill! It is one of their faves. 

With Carol Sprately, Master Gardener Mentor

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Allen Middle School’s Leadership Garden is underway for the Fall!!!

CTE Business Leadership Teacher Shannion Davis says:
A Big thank you to Ms. Ann Combo, Mr. Combo (the 76 year old expert), Mrs. Barrantes, Ms. Atwater &  Mrs. Harrison's Class for their helping hands in our Leadership Garden at Allen Middle School. 

 We planted turnip greens, broccoli, rape, kale and collards!