What a wonderful opportunity for groups like ours to network with junior and senior GCS High School students interested in service-learning! As Service Learning Ambassadors they will take the information back to share with their fellow students. We got to talk to 150 students as they rotated to our tables over a three hour period.
See below a
list of High Schools whose representatives signed up with interest in doing
service learning with our k-8 school gardens. We can send you contact info if
you are interested in working with students from one of these schools.
HS Northern Guilford HS
STEM Early College@ NCA&T
HS Dudley HS
Early College@Guilford College
HS Andrews HS
Middle College@Bennett
Guilford HS EMC@GTCC
Middle College@UNCG The
special thank you to Yvonne Eason Coordinator, Character Development &
Service-Learning and her team for sponsoring this GCS event!