Welcome to Guilford County Cooperative Extension School Garden Network team blog! We hope this can be a space for everyone involved in school gardening in Guilford County to share their experiences. Lets let each other know about what works, and troubleshoot what doesn't!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Cooking with Greens, local Chef Josh Kenny Feb. 9th

Seed Exchange a big success last night at Coop Extension!

Had a great time with the EMGVs (Master Gardeners), community and school gardeners at the Seed Exchange last night at Cooperative Extension. Spring is just around the corner! Cynthia Nelsen, Guilford County School Garden Network Coordinator.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

McLeansville receives a $5,000 Lowes Toolbox grant!

It’s always impressive to see a school do what it takes to start and then extend a school garden: McLeansville Elementary is doing this. And now they have received a Lowes Toolbox Grant to extend their garden!

With help from an enthusiastic and energetic crew, McLeansville's school garden went up last spring and is getting ready to grow! Master Gardener Mentor Carol Spratley, played a great supporting role along with a crew of teachers headed by 3rd/4th grade teacher Jamie Lee. Principal Shervawn Sockwell lends her strong support to the school gardening project.

Cherry tomato transplants were provided by Odile Huchette and Alex Wofford in the Reid Greenhouse at NCA&T as part of the Urban Ag program. Carol and Jamie attended our workshop in February and used the square foot gardening approach.

The whole student body is getting involved, here they are making observations in their journals of the their very own garden. We look forward to updates from this wonderful school as they expand their growing space with their support from Lowe's for their spring garden!