Right now we have some mustard green and some yellow snow peas (for snacking, not enough for cooking just yet) that’s ready for picking. Perhaps we will have some green squash and grape tomatoes which might be ready in the next month or so. Other squash might take a longer time. I’m assuming the radishes that Mrs. Langer’s class planted will be ready soon as well. Whoever signed up to take care of the garden can pick anything that’s ready, not much for now, hopefully we’ll have more in the future.Parent Sharon Guerraro offers an abundance of Thai Basil, Lemon Palm, Chocolate Mint and Papaya plants if anyone is interested for the garden.
Parents and the School Garden Network unload compost for gardening beds. Linda Kidd, principal at Brooks Global is highly supportive of the garden plans in addition to parents and teachers. Cynthia Nielsen, SGN coordinator spoke to the staff at their final meeting before the summer break.