March 28th,
a Thursday afternoon was a brisk blue sky day, perfect for Morehead Elementary’s
special Outdoor Learning Site Dedication! It is named the
S.O.I.L. (Star, their mascot, Outdoor, Instructional, Learning) Lab.
successful application to Lowe’s Toolbox for Education Grant provided the
funding needed to build the learning centers’ tables and benches.
Deric Lam,
the local Lowe’s manager who worked with Morehead to supply materials attended
the dedication.
Faculty member Tom Bader of the Weaver Academy, whose students constructed the tables and benches, was also present for the dedication.
The entire
student body attended the dedication, there was a lot of excitement in the air!
Vicki Schrock, P.E teacher and service learning coordinator led the dedication.
The support on the part of the whole school was evident. It is clear that this
Outdoor Learning Space belongs to EVERYONE at the school!