Welcome to Guilford County Cooperative Extension School Garden Network team blog! We hope this can be a space for everyone involved in school gardening in Guilford County to share their experiences. Lets let each other know about what works, and troubleshoot what doesn't!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Tip Tap- The Simple Garden Handwashing Station

This past MLK Day, a National Day of Service, I had the opportunity to join my fellow FoodCorps Service Member, Caroline, in Warren County for a day of garden rejuvenation at Warren County High School. My task was to lead a group of high schoolers in building a hand washing station using all free or recycled materials. Luckily, with the aid of instructions from sendacow.org, we were able to create a working hand washing station in an area of the garden without access to water.

Now, these "tip-taps"are used by some African villages to reduce disease risk after working in gardens or with livestock, and are a convenient and easy device to construct in places where plumbing is not an option. Using bamboo, a gallon jug, some twine, a pencil, a mesh baggie, and bar soap, your garden can feature a really fantastic tool for teaching garden hygiene, and some cultural appreciation!

More complete instructions can be found on Send A Cow's website, but basically you construct a lever that tilts the jug downward, creating a steady stream of water through a small hold in the handle. The neat thing is that it is controlled by a foot pedal (small bamboo stick), leaving both of your hands free to wash with soap and water. To lessen the chance of a muddy pool of water below, dig the soil down a few inches and add gravel or stones for drainage.

Have students be creative in their design, but it may take a few tries to get the physics right!

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