Welcome to Guilford County Cooperative Extension School Garden Network team blog! We hope this can be a space for everyone involved in school gardening in Guilford County to share their experiences. Lets let each other know about what works, and troubleshoot what doesn't!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Fall Highlights from the Lindley Garden

As we begin to think about spring, it's also fun to remember what we did in the fall. Here are some of our highlights:

We planted a small crop of corn before school let out, and it was in perfect form when kids returned to school. So many children had never seen corn growing! When it dried, we made a little "corn maze" for the younger students, and then created a scarecrow with the stalks! "Bob" withstood many a storm this fall!

Since kindergartners work on counting, we had them in the garden counting okra seeds they harvested. Each child had an index card with a number from 10-25 for the number of seeds they had to count and attach to tape on their card.

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear about Lindley's garden in the fall, I really liked "Bob" and the counting activity!
